
From Data to Decisions A 6-Step Process for SMB's
Table of Contents
  1. What Is Data Driven Decision Making?
  2. Data Analytics Tools
  3. Guidelines For Making Better Business Decisions With Data Analytics
    1. Specify Your Goals, Especially The Measurable Ones.
    2. Be Aware of Biases
    3. Discover Unresolved Issues
    4. Get the Proper Information
    5. Do a Comprehensive Analysis
    6. Think of alternate options
  4. Conclusion

Did you know data-driven businesses have a 23 times higher likelihood of acquiring customers, a six times higher likelihood of keeping those customers, and a 19 times higher likelihood of being profitable, according to the Mckinsey Global Institute? 

Businesses can also use data analytics tools to make better decisions and enhance the consumer experience. The outcome? customers who are happy and return for more.

Do you want to acquire more clients and make your business grow? Yes? Then you should definitely resort to data analytics and make decisions driven by data.

Making decisions based on data will help your company grow and become more flexible to a commercial environment that is constantly changing. Everything of your operations, strategies, and activities should revolve around it.

You can confidently make educated decisions that will promote business growth, evolution, and a healthy bottom line by utilising the plethora of digital information at your fingertips and embracing the power of business intelligence.

What Is Data Driven Decision Making?

What Makes Data Driven Decision Making Important

Making judgements based on data in order to propel corporate growth is known as data-driven decision making (DDDM). Companies may overcome prejudices and make the best managerial decisions that are in line with their strategy by using the appropriate KPIs and tools.

Essentially, using data for decision-making entails employing verified, studied information rather than winging it to achieve important business goals.

Large amounts of unstructured data must be sorted in this relatively new profession in order to make wise, data-driven business decisions.

Data Analytics Tools

What Is Data Driven Decision Making

Data analytics tools are software applications used to analyze and process large datasets, extract insights, and draw conclusions from them. They are used in various industries such as healthcare, finance, retail, and marketing to make informed decisions and improve business performance.

Data analytics tools can range from simple spreadsheet programs to complex software applications that use AI and ML algorithms. Some popular data analytics tools include Tableau, Power BI, Google Analytics, Python, R, and Excel. These tools offer different features and capabilities, making them suitable for different types of data analysis.

Guidelines For Making Better Business Decisions With Data Analytics

Guidelines for Creating Better Data-Driven Business Decisions

Your company decisions will be more successful and accurate if you use data analytics tools to guide them. To get the most out of the process and use data to help your organisation succeed, a data-driven decision-making strategy should be complemented by other strategies and actions. Consider these helpful hints:

Specify Your Goals, Especially The Measurable Ones.

Prior to starting data analysis, setting objectives enables you to make the most of the information you have acquired and avoids you from focusing entirely on the particular demands and requirements of your company and clients. To better understand what you are using the data to measure, define specific KPIs.

Your team might, for instance, utilise data to determine the following goals:

  • 20% annual growth in the number of customers
  • Spend $20,000.00 less overall each quarter.
  • Spend $500 less on the project’s budget.
  • Recruit 10 additional team members each quarter
  • Lower the cost per hire by $500.

You can also switch to experts at Intellinez Systems for your data analytics requirements. Our team of seasoned professionals will guide you throughout the whole process.

Be Aware of Biases

Because so much of what we do in our minds happens unconsciously, it can occasionally be challenging to verify the reasoning we employ while making decisions. In other circumstances, you can even discover that you see the data in a way that causes you to ignore what is truly in front of you in favour of what you want to see.

In this situation, it may be beneficial to enlist the assistance of a capable team that is free from your prejudices. And which expert can be better than Intellinez Systems. We use the best data analytics tools to help you make unbiased decisions.

Discover Unresolved Issues

By focusing teams’ attention on the most pertinent data during the data analysis process, you may speed up the process and reduce the amount of money you spend to acquire the results you need. This is accomplished by asking the proper questions during the data analysis process.

Also, the proper technology for data collecting and analysis are critical for a better knowledge of customers, according to one-third of industry experts.

Get the Proper Information

No matter how young your company is, start collecting data as soon as you can. It will help you avoid a situation where you are relying too much on gut feeling and missing out on making the best decisions that are supported by the stats.

Having second thoughts? Consider this piece:

57% of businesses reported basing their decisions on data, and 91% of businesses claimed that data-driven decision-making was crucial to the expansion of their operations.

Do a Comprehensive Analysis

It is likely that you will need to spend some time studying the data you have acquired in order to extract analytical reports and valuable insights to support your decision-making process, depending on the type of queries you need to find solutions for.

According to a survey by Gartner, 68% of organizations have integrated data analytics into their business strategy.

For firms that need to do a more thorough analysis before making important decisions that may have an influence on the customer experience, for instance, user feedback can be a very helpful tool. When making decisions that will affect your organisation or customers, it’s frequently crucial to have the context in order to use data as efficiently as possible.

Think of alternate options

It is common to be reluctant to consider alternatives, particularly after coming to a decision. But, in the case of data analysis, it is frequently highly beneficial to go back and re-evaluate the data. Even if you are passionate about the direction you have chosen, it is crucial to be alert at every stage of the process and go back over the facts if you change your mind.

The data can truly help you look outside the box of your decision patterns and put the data to use to make the best decisions for your organisation if you take the time to check the data and make sure you are tracking the relevant metrics for your decision-making process.

Did you know according to a study by McKinsey companies using data analytics are 5x more likely to make faster decisions?


This process for data-driven decision making is a powerful tool for organizations to make informed and effective decisions. By following this structured approach, decision makers can ensure that they are basing their choices on accurate data and analysis, leading to improved outcomes and greater success.

Hire Intellinez For Your Data Analytics Needs

At Intellinez, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide customized solutions that meet our clients’ unique data analytics and business requirements. Our team of experienced professionals has a proven track record of delivering results through innovative approaches and cutting-edge technologies. 

We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and challenges, and we develop tailored strategies that help them achieve their goals. By choosing us as your partner, you can be confident that you will receive the highest quality service and support throughout the entire process.

Soumya Mishra

Technology Leader proficient in engineering and execution of enterprise-level IT projects and providing support services on the same. Possesses the ability to set functional and technical strategies, converting them to an achievable plan of action, and driving them to realize and achieve customer success. Passionate leader believing in leading by example, possessing strong problem-solving skills and a can-do attitude. Adept at handling cross-functional teams across the globe and motivating them to achieve outstanding and sustainable results to meet organizational goals and objectives! Guiding Quote – “Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it, Autograph your work with excellence”

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